A faithful God + a simple faith = salvation
God is faithful. He requires only a simple faith from us.
Lately, I have not been allowing myself to draw closer to God.. I kept myself busy with other things, people, activities... actually, ashamed to say, I dun read the bible daily. have no such habits.. Do I pray daily? and with that, i really mean long deep prayers. Not merely simply saying a prayer. I guess my answer is no.. I think its really sad.. cos God really wants us to talk to Him.. tell Him what's occupying us.. what's making us happy and glad.. what's worrying us.. what's making us sad...
Hmm. i think i have not talk to God in a long long while.. Sometimes, in my prayer, i would think "aiyah, God, you know la...." and so, I found no need to really spell things out. But really, it does us good to spell things out sometimes. It allows us to understand what we are really worrying about, whats occupying our mind (and heart), what we are really fearful about...
I guess thats the reason why I broke down last night.. and it felt good to cry to the Lord. Only His loving arms can bring me comfort. Only His love can mend my broken spirit and heart. He knows me better than I know myself. He lights up the path in front of me, guiding me to realise the path I should walk and the path that I should not even think of trying.
ok, I shall not deviate.. My first topic is that God is faithful. For He answers prayers. There is one song that goes "He did not come to answer my questions; He came to answer my needs." How true! Im very much comforted by this. God is the only one who knows our exact needs. He sees our past, our present, our future. He will provide. He will open the way. He will guide.
Man are often short-sighted, very easily blinded by the things in front of them such that we cannot see what's beyond. We can't see eternity, therefore, out of sight, out of mind. But it is often only a matter of time that God answers our prayers. If what we are praying about is according to the word of God, then i guess it is only a matter of time. It might take a while.... but when God finally answers, sometimes He works so silently that you wont even realise this had been exactly what you've prayed about, until the Holy Spirit reminds you about it! And then, you will cry with joy, knowing that God is indeed faithful. This is a testimony from a sister, which i agree fully.
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,..." 1 Peter 1:6-7
As for a simple faith, there were a little discussion about it over a short supper just now. We tried to define what's "a simple faith". Indeed, it is hard to have a simple faith in today's society, especially when we are living in such a prosperous society. Often, we find that in our overseas ministries, in those societies whereby people are less prosperous, less high-tech, less materialistic, who actually even lack physically, they are the ones with that simple faith.
If you've been reading my blog, not long ago, I talked about "a simple faith". But that was just to comment on my views that debates and long discussions over matters of faith are sometimes redundant. I said that because I realised the rise in the number of blogs which appear to serve the purpose of discussing about issues pertaining to religion and faith. One of us commented that in our today's society, a simple faith is not that possible, because man seeks to understand and know exactly what they are going to believe in. So we need to show them supporting evidences etc in order to let them see the truth. For example, if we try to tell non-believers that the bible is true, we have to show them all the sources and materials that support our argument. Not likely that one is able to readily accept what you tell them. But yet, this is not true of those in more backward societies.
The reason being that, they lack? They need something. someone. For us, do we actually think we are lacking? Do we actually need something, someone?
Actually, we do. Just that we are so trained to thinking that we can do something about it ourselves. We are all seeking to fill that void within us. Some by seeking knowledge, some by shopping, some by gambling.... We are trained to develop pride actually. I recall my primary school teacher always telling us "Take pride in your work!" haha.. not that its the best example.
I admit that I am very easily proud. Yet I need some recognition to keep myself going. Wonder how to achieve a balance. Think only God can help me with this, so dun worry, I'm praying about it (:
And so.. my definition of "a simple faith" (which is also what I hope to achieve). I guess... often, those with this simple faith are the simple-minded.
"Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And He laid His hands on them and departed from there." Matthew 19:13-15
Children are probably the most simple-minded. Thats also the reason why I like to talk to them. They most probably do not have deep knowledge of the bible and doctrines, but they are taught that there exists a God who loves them, though they cannot see Him. With that, they put their trust in Him. and pray to Him. And Jesus said "for of such is the kingdom of heaven".
I guess my stand is that you dun have to have vast knowledge of the bible in order to be His child. Of course, its good if you are gifted in this area and thus can help to exhort the weaker ones. But how many can actually digest all those theological debates? A preacher once told me about a sister who do not know much about the bible but yet had strong faith in God. Its the heart that ultimately matters. (I think i had this concern then because my parents are not very educated and so I felt that it will be difficult for them to come and know God since they cant really read the bible?)
As for me, I really still lack bible knowledge. Sometimes, when attempting to preach, I feel so handicapped! Spiritually handicapped. Yes, this is an area whereby I got to improve... but that doesn't prevent me from drawing close to God. I was a lost sheep. He sought me. He called me back. He taught me His truth. He now dwells in me. I made mistakes. I asked for forgiveness. He cleansed me and assured me. I lost my way. I willfully deviate from the right path. I got scared. I called out to Him. He answered and accepted me again. and again.
And so... To hold on to His hand always. To listen to His voice. To believe in His promises. To trust in His providence. To have faith in what is to come. No matter what happens, good or bad. This is my simple faith.
And for now, I have faith that He shall open the way for my salvation.
Please pray for me. (:
Lately, I have not been allowing myself to draw closer to God.. I kept myself busy with other things, people, activities... actually, ashamed to say, I dun read the bible daily. have no such habits.. Do I pray daily? and with that, i really mean long deep prayers. Not merely simply saying a prayer. I guess my answer is no.. I think its really sad.. cos God really wants us to talk to Him.. tell Him what's occupying us.. what's making us happy and glad.. what's worrying us.. what's making us sad...
Hmm. i think i have not talk to God in a long long while.. Sometimes, in my prayer, i would think "aiyah, God, you know la...." and so, I found no need to really spell things out. But really, it does us good to spell things out sometimes. It allows us to understand what we are really worrying about, whats occupying our mind (and heart), what we are really fearful about...
I guess thats the reason why I broke down last night.. and it felt good to cry to the Lord. Only His loving arms can bring me comfort. Only His love can mend my broken spirit and heart. He knows me better than I know myself. He lights up the path in front of me, guiding me to realise the path I should walk and the path that I should not even think of trying.
ok, I shall not deviate.. My first topic is that God is faithful. For He answers prayers. There is one song that goes "He did not come to answer my questions; He came to answer my needs." How true! Im very much comforted by this. God is the only one who knows our exact needs. He sees our past, our present, our future. He will provide. He will open the way. He will guide.
Man are often short-sighted, very easily blinded by the things in front of them such that we cannot see what's beyond. We can't see eternity, therefore, out of sight, out of mind. But it is often only a matter of time that God answers our prayers. If what we are praying about is according to the word of God, then i guess it is only a matter of time. It might take a while.... but when God finally answers, sometimes He works so silently that you wont even realise this had been exactly what you've prayed about, until the Holy Spirit reminds you about it! And then, you will cry with joy, knowing that God is indeed faithful. This is a testimony from a sister, which i agree fully.
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,..." 1 Peter 1:6-7
As for a simple faith, there were a little discussion about it over a short supper just now. We tried to define what's "a simple faith". Indeed, it is hard to have a simple faith in today's society, especially when we are living in such a prosperous society. Often, we find that in our overseas ministries, in those societies whereby people are less prosperous, less high-tech, less materialistic, who actually even lack physically, they are the ones with that simple faith.
If you've been reading my blog, not long ago, I talked about "a simple faith". But that was just to comment on my views that debates and long discussions over matters of faith are sometimes redundant. I said that because I realised the rise in the number of blogs which appear to serve the purpose of discussing about issues pertaining to religion and faith. One of us commented that in our today's society, a simple faith is not that possible, because man seeks to understand and know exactly what they are going to believe in. So we need to show them supporting evidences etc in order to let them see the truth. For example, if we try to tell non-believers that the bible is true, we have to show them all the sources and materials that support our argument. Not likely that one is able to readily accept what you tell them. But yet, this is not true of those in more backward societies.
The reason being that, they lack? They need something. someone. For us, do we actually think we are lacking? Do we actually need something, someone?
Actually, we do. Just that we are so trained to thinking that we can do something about it ourselves. We are all seeking to fill that void within us. Some by seeking knowledge, some by shopping, some by gambling.... We are trained to develop pride actually. I recall my primary school teacher always telling us "Take pride in your work!" haha.. not that its the best example.
I admit that I am very easily proud. Yet I need some recognition to keep myself going. Wonder how to achieve a balance. Think only God can help me with this, so dun worry, I'm praying about it (:
And so.. my definition of "a simple faith" (which is also what I hope to achieve). I guess... often, those with this simple faith are the simple-minded.
"Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And He laid His hands on them and departed from there." Matthew 19:13-15
Children are probably the most simple-minded. Thats also the reason why I like to talk to them. They most probably do not have deep knowledge of the bible and doctrines, but they are taught that there exists a God who loves them, though they cannot see Him. With that, they put their trust in Him. and pray to Him. And Jesus said "for of such is the kingdom of heaven".
I guess my stand is that you dun have to have vast knowledge of the bible in order to be His child. Of course, its good if you are gifted in this area and thus can help to exhort the weaker ones. But how many can actually digest all those theological debates? A preacher once told me about a sister who do not know much about the bible but yet had strong faith in God. Its the heart that ultimately matters. (I think i had this concern then because my parents are not very educated and so I felt that it will be difficult for them to come and know God since they cant really read the bible?)
As for me, I really still lack bible knowledge. Sometimes, when attempting to preach, I feel so handicapped! Spiritually handicapped. Yes, this is an area whereby I got to improve... but that doesn't prevent me from drawing close to God. I was a lost sheep. He sought me. He called me back. He taught me His truth. He now dwells in me. I made mistakes. I asked for forgiveness. He cleansed me and assured me. I lost my way. I willfully deviate from the right path. I got scared. I called out to Him. He answered and accepted me again. and again.
And so... To hold on to His hand always. To listen to His voice. To believe in His promises. To trust in His providence. To have faith in what is to come. No matter what happens, good or bad. This is my simple faith.
And for now, I have faith that He shall open the way for my salvation.
Please pray for me. (:
A well thought-out article. Good job there. Drives home the essential point in a true Christian faith which today is lacking in many.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:18 PM