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Wednesday, August 28, 2013 


Why do people jaywalk?

Because they are all in a rush.

Why are we always in a rush?

Maybe sometimes we don't even know.

I think that this world is really not for me.

This world of rushing, of meeting standards, of proving your worth.

Why do I have to prove my worth before I can enrol myself into a masters program? Don't I qualify precisely because of my work and the need to upgrade my skills? Otherwise, my clients are the ones to suffer, not me!

Why can't people just do their work, according to their capabilities and not having to constantly prove that they can do more? Why can't we just have morning teas or afternoon teas and go home early to play with our kids and spend time with our spouse?

What must I do to be blessed with such?

Kind of having depressive thoughts running about my head. Hate it that I have these chemicals roaming in my brain, that make me more susceptible to depression. And it doesn't help when two of us are like this.

I kind of want to quit my job and get a life first. I'm quite burned out by what I am doing day in day out. But without money, can I get a life?


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  • I'm just a passer-by in this world
  • From Singapore
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