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Sunday, November 09, 2008 

The seven keep-ons I want in my life.

1. Keep on learning
2. Keep on loving
3. Keep on laughing (because of His blessings)
4. Keep on labouring
5. Keep on leaving (behind the past)
6. Keep on longing (for something better)
7. Keep on leaning (onto Jesus)

I know you are tired, and you are afraid. I know you can't see what is in front, and the uncertainty scares you. I know you want someone to squeeze your palm when you are feeling anxious. I know you want someone to give you a reassuring smile when you are unsure. I know that all you want is simply someone by your side - a mentor, a friend, someone who really cares for your soul.

I know that's all you want. But probably I won't give you just yet. Not until you learn to be one yourself - a mentor, a friend, someone who cares for the souls of others. Not until you learn to stand on your own feet. Not until you successfully throw away the selfishness in you.

I will never give you burdens beyond what you can bear. And remember, all things work together for good to those who love God. If you really love Me, do not fear. Perfect love casts out fear. Press on, like how Paul did. Keep-on, like what you have heard and had resolved.

Remember Me, and how much I love you. Is that not enough for you? You know it is enough.

And I will always remember you. I will remember your heart, your deeds, and your resolution for Me. Don't be silly. I am God. I never forget. And I am Your God. I went through so much to save you, in order that you may be washed and be reconciled with Me. Of course I will never let you go. But what about you? Will you let go of Me? Recall how you had held onto Me so many times before. What about now? Are you really going to let go this time?

My girl, it is not worth it if you give everything up now. It isn't worth it. You must hold on. Remember, only those who endure to the end will be saved. It isn't My will that you should give up. It will pain Me to see you go away.. If you feel lonely, come to Me. If you are grieving, cry to Me. I will protect you, and I will shield you. I will guard your heart. But you, you must also do your part to guard your own heart.

I will give you a strong and courageous heart. I will renew your strength. Come to Me daily, I will give you enough strength to last each day. You can make it till the end. And at the end, I will receive you with open arms into my bosom. I will give you a great big bear hug, and kiss you on your forehead. I will tell you, "My dear girl, you have done well."

That day is coming. It will come very soon. I promised this more than 2000 years ago, and a promise is a promise.

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  • I'm just a passer-by in this world
  • From Singapore
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